Friday 10 April 2015

Inspirations of April...Hunger for travels

It seems that spring brings me a lots of inspirations. I have booked two foreign trips. This month I am going to Dublin. Another destination will be Rome in June. I believe, that it is still not enough for me. I want more and more...
What I am trying to do is to live my life in the best way I possibly can. I work with people with dementia, so I think, I do not need to explain, why? Now, it is no time for sadness, sorrow or tears. It is time to live the best you can. What can come, you never know. It sounds very serious, but is real.
Tomorrow, I am going to play Bingo. I have not played for months. I will also visit my place, Blickling Estate. I love it. I love being myself, my life, places, space, friends, stuff, trips, work...I love my bunny:-)

Last Sunday was Easter. I spend that morning at work. It was the most settled shift ever. After work I went to Bella Italia for a dinner and treats:-) It was amazing meal, yum, yum...
This was my sweet choice at Bella Italia restaurant...
My favourites of last months...

Thanks for visiting<3

Sunday 29 March 2015

An open letter to heaven

Dear Lord,

Save us from flood and fire,
All nasty people and fatal desire,
Insane fanatics and suicidal pilots,
Safe us from thief, hijack and riots.

From all kinds of flu and fever,
Any disaster, storm and scary evil,
Broken airplane and high cost,
Poisoned food, delay and getting lost.

Dear Angel, keep it all away from us,
Now, I need to get ready for a bus.

My Guardian Angel,
You are very welcome to join us
on our journey to any place we go.

Yours forever faithful poet,


Thank you for visiting xx

Saturday 21 March 2015

Monthly favourites and new home: February-March 2015

This year early spring has given a lots of energy and inspiration to me. I have been to Blickling Hall many times. I got a wonderful bunny and discovered new beauty products.
At my new bedroom;-)
 Flowers from my friend
A new Yankee
 Bonno has arrived;-)

 My new face oil, makes my skin look better
 A whipped body buttercream with gorgeous smell and feel
Glycolic acid solution
 Vegeterian meal at Café Rouge 
and Rose wine;-)

Thanks for visiting xxx

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Turning back time at Oxburgh Hall

Today, I decided to visit this amazing place, especially the weather was gorgeous. I drove to Swaffham to explore Oxburgh Hall.
 This building was created in Tudor times. The family still lives here.
 Tudor architecture
 Me on the roof
 The family still lives here.
 Going upstairs...

 On the roof

 At tea room for lunch

Thank you for visiting<3

Monday 16 February 2015

A walk with spirits at Blickling Hall Estate

  I was here last Sunday. That day the weather was foggy. I took a walk around the Blickling Estate. Now, I only live about 23 minutes by car from that place, so I often can visit the estate.

 Orangery was locked that day. By looking through the window, I saw lemon trees growing up inside.
 I find it very relaxing. Walking here makes me calm, immortal...I always escape here to feel free and peaceful.
The lake belongs to estate. I came here on New Year's Eve to take a walk around, bring my memories back and ghosts of past...
Thank you for visiting<3